Saturday, July 19, 2014

Well this is a little off topic, but I have weenie dogs.  And they are three and four years old and very stubborn!  We just moved into a new house and whenever the weather outside seems to be too cold, or wet, or who know what else....they decide it's easier to simply go to the bathroom in the house.  So, I am making them some doggie diapers for indoors now.  I used them before (the store bought kind) and they seemed to work - the dogs didn't appreciate wearing them too much and so they never went to the bathroom in them.  But I am tired of buying simple things like this and paying top dollar for them.  I am going to try and make them at home.  I have measured the dogs and made my own pattern, let's see how this turns out!
of course, I chose weenie dog printed fabric....I mean it seemed like an obvious choice.  And more on the topic of "Football Mama" I have ordered purple mesh jersey fabric to attempt to make all three of our dogs football jerseys to wear this year.  

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